Thursday, February 20, 2020


~ ~~~~ ~
There is a sanctuary
that opens
in the whitened arc
the silent voice
of these winter trees
Reaching skyward
toward the hidden light
of transcendent north
the barren branch
with its naked strength
reveals the root of heaven
bringing refuge and release
from the binding storm
Winged ones, raven and crow
 accept the solace 
the quiet offering
 and they remain
  inside the tempest wind
resting on ancient limbs
Tree of Life
L'Arbre de la Vie
the immanent movement 
within the roots
patterns of breath
the sacred descent
into the cores of stone
the liquid glass
erupting into birth
From this we gallop
toward the stars
bearing each storm
that blesses
catabolic release
transforming constraint
into our timeless unfolding
As the tangled beauty
the ascension
of deep earth
is an archery of Light
within the Asclepian dream
that guides across Archeon
and the rivers of sadness
 become tamed
and tranquil
It is all imagination
 this movement of grace
as the darkened root
is always returning
to the silver edge
of an unnamed sky

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