Saturday, October 23, 2021

"Le Chemin d'Etoile des Sorcieres et des Esprits qui Guident"

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The Star Path of Witches and the Spirits who Guide
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We were witches once, long ago
honoring elements 
and the alchemy of life
earth, water, fire, air
woven into stars
and the mystical breath
How could we forget
our shamans, our druids 
and the chivalry of our knights 
how did we forget
our inheritance of magic
our noble lineage 
and deeper grace
We were taught to forget
to remain hidden
cloaked in the darkness
and the indigo of night
we would paint ourselves
with symbols and sacred spells 
The world of men
cannot erase us or make us small
for we have been thrown into their fire
yet stepped forward
into gardens of light
This is our freedom
and our truest nobility
to not be contained
or held by false rule
We have breathed starlight
and each breath a prayer 
of ancestors and spirits
who guide and protect
the ancient path through the sky 
We shape our words
into the weave of a story
that we might remember
and recreate a beauty
where the spirits around us
become whole once again
Forgiveness is a medicine
as is speaking the truth
an elixir of balance
courage and temperance
unveiling our wisdom
and the generosity
of Love
~ ~~~~ ~
In honor of spirits that travel the hidden path of stars and those who walk between worlds
Witches, Mystics, Rebels, Thieves, Gypsies, Artists, Renegades, Wayfarers, Poets, Healers, Storytellers
For all who breathe starlight into their souls....
We thank you for your courage, your generosity, the deepening mosaic of beauty
unveiling imagination that lives within everything
"Earth Star"

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