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From "El Fugitivo: XII"
Pablo Neruda
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A Todos, A Vosotros
To everyone,to you
silent beings of the night
who took my hand in the darkness,to you,
of immortal light, star lines,
bread of the living, secret brothers,
to everyone, to you,
I say: nothing could fill the cups
of purity
nothing can
contain the birth of Spring
like your quiet dignities.
Maybe I am you, that essence
flower and song of earth
that knows where it comes from
and where it belongs,
I'm just the people, hidden door,
dark bread
and when you receive me you receive yourself
in your very self, in that guest
beaten so many times
and so many times
To all and everyone,
to all I don't know, who'll never
hear this name, to those who live
along our long rivers,
at the foot of mountains, in the sulphuric
copper shadow, to fishermen and peasants,
to blue indians on the shore
of lakes sparkling like glass,
to you, to whomever without knowing why
has waited for me, here
I belong and recognize and sing.
yo pertenzco y reconozco y canto
~ ~~~~~ ~
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