Tuesday, January 14, 2025

"Enfants des Anges et de L'ombres~ Children of Angels and Shadows"

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Children of Angels and Shadows




can slip through clouds~

The movement of Light is quiet, and stealth

bearing the children of angels

into nuanced colors of sky

and the elements of earth.

A whisper of rain

an incantation of mist

falling as Essence~

 as translucent water

becomes prayer

 that offers harmony

to shadow and light.

We are not separate from this Beauty

or any other Beauty

as we are all born 

from the one Essence

that requires both a darkness and a light

to become Known. 

Inside of each shadow

is a light that breathes

and within each purity of Light

there is a blackness that contains every color

ever Imagined.

From the ancient root of Light

every Beauty born through angels and shadow 

is a Beauty waiting, 

resting transparently,

within the Essence of Love~

and the timeless wish,

the wish to become Known.


Sunday, October 31, 2021

"Enchantresse~Le Fantome de la Femme des Nuages Chante"

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The Ghost of Cloud Woman Sings
Our ancestors are with us 
filling our hands with lightening
our spirit is drenched with healing waters
and the gift of sacred breath
Each moment we live
carries a song within it
like wind that is quivering
on the branches of trees
I hear her singing
inside of our dreams
her mouth is filling with radiance
and flowers of blue light
an incantation 
a secret enchantment
revealing our hidden songs
into the opening sky
of imagination
The ghost of Cloud Woman sings
spilling holy words onto the winds
with a tablet of color and light
she writes the beautiful names of God
into the soul of nature and the children of earth
To hear her song
you must relinquish and release
for nothing of you will remain
allow a greater beauty
to inhabit
and to guide
the essence of your journey
and the essence of your soul
Our ancestors are with us
filling our hands with lightening 
our spirit is drenched with healing waters 
and the gift of sacred breath
A secret inheritance of light
is opened within us
as Cloud Woman sings across time
~ ~~~~ ~
"Sky Dream"
In honor of our Grandmother and Grandfather Creator
The beauty of light and their songs of wisdom are always with us
Guiding and blessing each journey through life

Saturday, October 23, 2021

"Le Chemin d'Etoile des Sorcieres et des Esprits qui Guident"

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The Star Path of Witches and the Spirits who Guide
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We were witches once, long ago
honoring elements 
and the alchemy of life
earth, water, fire, air
woven into stars
and the mystical breath
How could we forget
our shamans, our druids 
and the chivalry of our knights 
how did we forget
our inheritance of magic
our noble lineage 
and deeper grace
We were taught to forget
to remain hidden
cloaked in the darkness
and the indigo of night
we would paint ourselves
with symbols and sacred spells 
The world of men
cannot erase us or make us small
for we have been thrown into their fire
yet stepped forward
into gardens of light
This is our freedom
and our truest nobility
to not be contained
or held by false rule
We have breathed starlight
and each breath a prayer 
of ancestors and spirits
who guide and protect
the ancient path through the sky 
We shape our words
into the weave of a story
that we might remember
and recreate a beauty
where the spirits around us
become whole once again
Forgiveness is a medicine
as is speaking the truth
an elixir of balance
courage and temperance
unveiling our wisdom
and the generosity
of Love
~ ~~~~ ~
In honor of spirits that travel the hidden path of stars and those who walk between worlds
Witches, Mystics, Rebels, Thieves, Gypsies, Artists, Renegades, Wayfarers, Poets, Healers, Storytellers
For all who breathe starlight into their souls....
We thank you for your courage, your generosity, the deepening mosaic of beauty
unveiling imagination that lives within everything
"Earth Star"

Monday, October 11, 2021

"Notre Amour est Tisse dans des Tapisseries d'Eclat"

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Our love is woven into tapestries of radiance
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May this marriage
carry an essence
of beauty 
and a generosity of light
No matter the burdens
of uncertainty and pain
a garden will bloom from the fire
may this union
bring healing 
and the guidance of love
A grace unfolds
when a soul
comes home
to kinship and family
 the ability to honor a path
that holds the hearts of others
as deeply as one's own
May this marriage
bring forth kindness 
and wisdom
and joy
spreading like honey and spilled laughter
through your children
and friendships
and the many generations 
yet to come
And when you smile into each other
may you find 
your lost pieces of light
and rebuild 
another radiance
for this world.
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~ ~~~~ ~
In honor of the companions who find each other's light
allowing the nights of darkness to pass
May your love weave tapestries of radiance
through out your days
and when fire must be endured
may your love bring forth gardens
for healing replenishment 
of each beauty and each strength
~ ~~~~ ~
October 16th 2021
October 4th 2014
February 28th 2014
August 12th 1995
March 4th 1984

Monday, October 4, 2021

"Naissance du Ciel ~ Couleurs de la Lumiere"

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Sky Born ~ Colors of Light
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Nous sommes nes dans les ciel
We are sky born
as colors of light
the pure glitter
of each transparency
and the substance of color
in the density of life
Ours is not a journey of darkness
but one of discovery
as the colors of knowledge
within our given soul
The path of return
remains our own
having grown rich
with the tastes of this life
we carry the colors
back to the Light
Each color
has its place,
do not be afraid,
each note is necessary
in the sacred geometry
within the music
of sky born light
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Monday, September 27, 2021

"Temenos~ Le Mur du Jardin du Sanctuaire"

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Temenos ~ The Wall of the Garden Sanctuary
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There is a secret language of Gypsies
those who know to travel at night
hidden within darkness
they journey by their given light
And this is how it must be
for those who walk between the worlds
are not contained by the rules of man
and only answer to their King
it is the keeping of a promise
the honoring of a vow
We are not bound by the stones
 nor separated by walls
meant to distance
mankind from angels
or darkness from light
There is an alchemy of compassion
for the sorrows of this world
as we leave traces along our path
to guide each wayfarer home
To climb the walls of the sanctuary
we must lift and be free
in our God seeking reach
and even when we stumble
in imperfect flight
we know that what we seek
is also seeking us
A temenos lives within each of us
our imprinted light is calling
for our return.
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Monday, September 20, 2021

"Les Miroirs de Lumiere ~ The Mirrors of Light"

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The mirrors of light
are abundant and unified
and how else can it be

Our longing is to return
to hold close and embrace
the resonant beauty
and forgive 
the darkness that has betrayed us

The mesomeric arc 
of mercy
is threaded
through this tapestry of light
and how else can it be

As the Moon gently breathes
into the hours of night
the majestic light of our Sun

We are all given
toward this reach,
even in darkness 
and uncertainty~
 Light spills guidance
unveiling within us
the hidden pathways
that bring us home
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Shams, the Sun of Tabriz
generously illumined with light
kindled fire that has echoed
within the hearts of poets 
the minds of wise men
and the lovers of truth
throughout time
~we thank you
~ ~~~~ ~
For Shams Kairys
May you have peace and blessings 