Wednesday, April 29, 2020

"Les Maisons des Hommes"~The Houses of Men

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Les maisons des hommes
An unusual wind 
stirs within the doorways
of the houses of men
Swift and stealth
this wind opens
the prayers and songs
that can fill your mouth
with the taste of silence
It is a freedom 
that paints this quiet sky
and the clouds that breathe 
between the planets
now watchfully unfurl
over the cities of ghosts
And the walls that were once built
to contain our lives,
with structures that were agreed to
and conformed with
have now become a different geometry 
 returning us to wind
and the opening earth
Timeless and unbound
we enter sanctuary,
the unending wholeness of sky
  and remember
 our ancient houses of light
~ ~~~~ ~
Les maisons des hommes
va changer de forme,
 et devenir
une maison de lumiere ancestrale
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Monday, April 20, 2020

" Tenant la Racine du Ciel"~ Holding the Root of Heaven

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Nous tenons le ciel
The spaces between us carry light
even inside of distance
we are joined
as we breathe one another
into the holy
I cannot contain you
your beauty is your own
I can only love you
and release you
as you journey
into mystery
and travel paths
that I do not know
I whisper and weave
fragments of kindness
and the opening flowers
that bloom with light 
into the soul that holds you
And the soul that you hold 
within yourself
There is a liquid fire
within your mind
but I hold the sky
within my hands
And with my hands
I will bring us back
to a holy root
of what is true
and beautiful
and strong
among us
~ ~~~~ ~

Monday, April 13, 2020

"Un Voyage sans Temp"~ A Journey without Time

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A journey without time
or any measured distance
We are all reaching
inside of all directions
that speak or call
What is essential
has always been
and always will be
We enter sacrifice
and blessing
and kindness
that is shared
We are learning
to reshape
what was once known
and no longer recognized
We are learning to shape again
the light of stars
 and to speak the language of wind
We do not know
if we will survive
and in turn
this question is shaping us
Mercy is ancient
ask for it
and ask to be shown 
what is required
I want to hold your hand
yet it is my imagination
that holds the memory
of your skin on mine
We carry each others breath
inside of this world
and now
we must each remember
how to become
 a scent of light
~ ~~~~ ~

Thursday, April 2, 2020

"L'Imagination Respire une Lumiere Sacree"~ The Imagination Breathes a Sacred Light

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The imagination breathes a sacred light
into our world
I watch you
as your hands move through water
beautiful and precise
I know you are carving
a holy shape
 while savoring each element
and saving its place in time
We all inscribe our nature
into the beauty that we are allowed
As horses run free
so do we
remember me
Our imaginations
can redefine
each moment or hour
We must be willing to release
while also holding
the beauty 
and sorrows
of a time before
is like music 
and water
that moves  
beyond a given constraint
A hidden breath
of sacred light
unveiling a deeper world