Friday, December 27, 2019

"Energie de Tempete" ~ Storm Energy

~ ~~~~ ~
Storm Energy
I am listening
as a storm draws close to me
the lightening echos
inside of darker skies
and here, I wait for you
between worlds
while our bodies find each other
within a quiet rhythm
of imagination
and the memory of light
trust me
and this ancient instinct
it will cause you nothing but beauty
and the thunder 
of your own pleasure
when the magnetic angels collide
their holy bodies
of electricity
ancient fusion~ the mercurial storm
sulphuric flame
silver light, the lunar dust
venetian indigo
dark saturnian glass
everything is erupting
and the linear arch
of a dream
~ ~~~~ ~

Sunday, November 3, 2019

"Ile de Skye" Soliloque~Chansons de l'eau, chant d'etoiles

 ~ ~~~~ ~
 Isle of Skye
Songs of water, song of stars
Sometimes we are brought
by some mercurial drift
of currents
moving northward
within the grieving water
within a deepening dream

The northern isles
ancient ones, mages
 journey on paths of light
star guided - between worlds
a Chironic effort
to drift north
the distant mystery
flowing through their veins
as maps of heaven
flow endless inside the sea

The northern isles
sing to them
a memory
across dark waters
beyond an enchantresses reach
the old ones gather
Swirl of Odin, Circe's scent
hoof of Pan

The names of everything
language of songs~ of earth, of sea
the names of everything
bloom of muse
incanting skybound
drawing close the mystery
soliloquy of stars
 oceans of light
the ancient word

~ ~~~~ ~

Friday, October 25, 2019

"Ile d'Iona" Soliloque~Prieres du vent, priere de la terre

~ ~~~~ ~
The Isle of Iona
 Prayers of wind, prayer of earth
There is an echo
 of incantation
that we whisper alone

Imagination reaches
across moments of time
as distance will collapse
inside the linear expanse 
of a wish

Stones of solitude
encompass the mystical earth
 as the wind is speaking
an ancient language
without words

into me
as I breathe
into you

alone on the isle

you are here within me

and everything is within us both.
The language of Soliloquy
is the language of One
and the language of all...
~ ~~~~ ~


Wednesday, October 9, 2019

"Aeon~ L'Ancienne Memoire"

~ ~~~~ ~
The ancient memory
~ ~~~~ ~
There was something hidden deep within me
....something I have kept hidden from you

It has been with me since the beginning of time
carried across thresholds
through moments of hours
and the slow unfurl of centuries

The fullest bloom in the Garden from long ago
petals shaped of light
every color the worlds would ever know
and the soft glow of colors not yet imagined
flowing through the roots
the incandescent stem

Deeply buried scent of stars
petals are breathing
the winds of heaven
and essence whispered
the blossoming light

I have kept it hidden
reshaped to seed
small enough to carry
across doorways of time
within me

The fullest bloom I have kept 
from our Garden long ago
a hidden seed
my gift for you
carried through time
to find you again

The seed breaks open
in the breath of your laughter
and gardens of Light
are blooming
inside of you
inside of me
~ ~~~~ ~

Thursday, September 12, 2019

" Le Voyage de Nuit "

~ ~~~~ ~
~ ~~~~ ~

~ ~~~~ ~
The Night Journey
A path
 colors of midnight
the darkened ink

sky vault
harness the unknown
no steps
to trace
no map

breath quickened
silvered thick
the uncertainty
inside darkness
inside the soul

bewildering bloom
open the gate
breathe the glow
of sparkled light
that will guide you
into the fire
of stars
Enter the night
and journey there
the world
and your idea of light

Into darkness
the onyx veil
will reveal
an intimacy
of colors

Alchemical union
palette of noir
pure amalgam
of color melts
a scent of light
into the quiet winds

 movements of time
into the Night Journey
 and paths of dark sky

Travel this way
and you will know
the taste of Love
the Mercy within all things
~ ~~~~ ~
Le Voyage de Nuit

Friday, August 30, 2019

"Colores de Imaginacion~Colores de Agua~Colores de Luz"

~ ~~~~ ~
Colors of Imagination, Colors of Water, Colors of Light
~ ~~~~ ~
Stones of Heaven
falling like rain
the substance of color

take the shape
of water, of light
and the movement of thought

Colors of imagination

And quietly
the earth sings
this breath of stars
the many colors
of wind
the stones of earth
into dream.
~ ~~~~ ~

~ ~~~~ ~
~ ~~~~ ~
Archaeology of color
a movement of light
between shadows
Liquid onyx
azure star
coppered fire
 the scarlet gold
Blue of wind
 water of azulean
mirror of turquoise
 the bloom of amethyst
breath of white
the song of colors

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

" La Leyenda del Mar Selkie y su Verdadero Amor"

~ ~~~~ ~

~ ~~~~ ~
The Legend of the Selkie and her true love
~ ~~~~ ~
I wear your ring now, Lass
a ring, one of two,
that we have shared in this life

It was on your hand
until you changed your shape
and went back to the Sea

I wear your ring now, Lass
and how it glimmers
through the hours
of my life

I bring my hands together
when in a moment,
a piece of grace
it is your hand 
that I hold again

Your ring, one of two,
My ring, lost
in the ocean of the world
Your ring remained
when you returned to the Sea

I wear your ring now, Lass
feeling your beautiful hands
within my own,
when I pray
your hands are with me,
when I touch the flowers in the garden
our hands together
taste the petals and sunlight

Your ring glimmers
as your spirit glimmered
when once you quietly slipped
into the skin of a woman
and became the glow
of this life

I still taste your smile
and the honeyed light 
that surrounded you

I forgive you, Lass
for slipping out of your skin
to return to the Sea

I wear your ring now
and know
when I slip from my own skin
our ring
will bring you to me 
and together
we will journey home.
~ ~~~~ ~
In honor of Mr. Lucky and his beloved Selke.....
Happy Birthday Doc, may your days be gentle, always.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

" Lluvia de Estaellas ~ El Antiguo Languaje de la Luz "

~ ~~~~ ~

~ ~~~~ ~
Star Fall
~ ~~~~ ~
The old language
speaks to us
in the light of the stars

Inside of rain
the colors of knowledge
and breathe

Voyage with wind
to one end of time
and return with the beauty
that was tasted there

When we travel
we must look to the sky
to find the map
that leads North find the map that leads home.
~ ~~~~ ~
~ ~~~~ ~
a fall of light
from within the sky
speaks an old language
into the imagination
shaping myths
from starlight
and the color of clouds

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

" La Leona " ~ Ella que vigila la entrada del Cielo

~ ~~~~ ~ 

~ ~~~~ ~
The Lioness ~ She who guards the entrance to the Sky
~ ~~~~ ~
Long ago
in an ancient land
a young woman
shaped beautiful words
weaving stories
from threads of despair

She offered
her beautiful sadness
a sacred imagination
 and crafting songs,
 incanting tales of magic
she saved her life
and the lives of those she loved

...her name was Scheherazade.
~ ~~~~ ~
~ ~~~~ ~
The Lioness
Scheherazade knows 
the Lioness - 
the one who guards the entrance
that opens the sky

The Lioness knows
a path through the clouds
that unveils the journey
and unveils our dreams

Scheherazade knows
to weep at the door
offering her tears
the Lioness will drink
the salted darkness of her grief

The Lioness knows
and knowing transforms-
the taste of beauty in sadness
 these tears become songs
this sorrow will become stories of light

Scheherazade knows
the Lioness
who guards the entrance 
to our dreams

The Lioness knows
for healing
for beauty
for love
she will open the door.
~ ~~~~ ~
Scheherazade enters
the sky of the Lioness
breath of grief
the deep imagination
where sorrows
become wings
~ ~~~~ ~

Monday, July 29, 2019

" Imaginacion ~ El Mundo de las Sombras y la Luz"

~ ~~~~ ~
Imagination ~ The World of Shadows and Light
There is union between light and darkness
 a mosaic of shadows
 edged with patterns of light
each is necessary to the other
we are not certain where one begins 
and the other ends

We must acquire a taste for deep places
that we may know the sky
and remember the nature of flight

As the world of imagination 
quietly sings to each of us
and a familiar wind opens
our secret pathways home

Clouds are painted 
into patterns of heaven
revealing stars
and prayers
and doorways
to the other world

May this prayer sing
and bring a gentle wind 
allowing flight 
returning all things
to indigo
and the breath of stars.
~ ~~~~ ~
~ ~~~~ ~

Thursday, June 27, 2019

"El Jardin de la Mujer Turquesa ~ La Cancion de Colores"

~ ~~~~ ~
In the Garden of the Turquoise Woman
 The Song of Colors
~ ~~~~ ~
~ ~~ ~
In the garden of the turquoise woman
another world blooms

A language that has no words
is speaking in colors
that spill from her hands

She is weaving the songs
of darkness and light
and starlight glitters
from her turquoise throat
as she sings to the sky world
the colors of earth

In the garden
the turquoise woman waits~
she is
Mother of Corn
Sky Goddess
Child of Earth
Water Maiden
Keeper of Ancient Songs
Crone who gave birth to the Stars

Filling her mouth with twilight
scarlet and copper scented
the night wind
she breathes
this song
as she walks between worlds
In the garden of the Turquoise Woman
another world blooms...
~ ~~~~ ~
~ ~~~~ ~

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

"La Forma de las Nubes~ The Shape of Clouds"

The Shape of Clouds
Artist carved
weave of night wind
and mist
You come closer to me 
as I breathe in the sky
Shifting light
prayer of change
the earth calls you
....and you become rain
I am alone 
inside of this garden
I taste the salted earth 
and the bloom of tears
I wish you peace
and I say goodbye

Monday, June 3, 2019

"La Cortesana~La Curandera~La Magdalena"

The Courtesan, The Healer, The Magdalena
I love you as one who is hidden
Between us are shadows
and the soul of beauty 
that reveals us 
to each other
The silent God
inside of the night
blooms like a wind
within your smile
And my smile answers...
in the scent of your skin
the light of stars
blessing our hands 
with kindness shared
A quiet magic
liquid prayer, flowing
through each thought
and each breath
drenching the darkness
with incantations
of shimmering light
A path opens
between the worlds
toward healing
toward forgiveness
toward home

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

"Mosaico Somatico~Somatic Mosaic"

Somatic Mosaic
Each body is etched from light
and born from the one dream
Somatic Mosaic
Pattern of sinew
bone print
Wing born
crown of antler
iron carved
shape of hoof
Our bodies
the body of earth
drinking ancient stories
written with rain
and symbols of healing
shaped into air
by silent hands
Somatic Mosaic
A darkness woven
is not a curse
 revealing the constellations of light 
as night skies
bring forth the pattern of stars
that we may find North
and a pathway home.
Each body is etched from light 
and born from the one dream
and to the one dream,
we each return.
Somatic Mosaic